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We Challenge You To Pay It Forward!

Helping our community is at the heart of everything we do at CARSS Auto. We seize multiple opportunities throughout the year to give back. We love getting others involved. We offer multiple incentives to encourage our customers to give back with us.

Our most recent contribution has been our annual Thanksgiving Fight Family Hunger Food Drive for the Crystal Lake Food Pantry. In December, we will continue to support Toys for Tots to provide Christmas presents for children from less fortunate circumstances. But not all of our charity work is seasonal…

We also raised food donations for the food pantry in 2015 with “Jam Nights” at the Listening Room at the Lakeside Arts Park at the Dole, raising 2,312 pounds of food and $1,100 in donations. We hosted another “Jam Nights” at the Dole this August to raise funds for Home of the Sparrow. We also accept vehicle donations year-round, fixing any problems with the vehicles for FREE and donating them to a local Crystal Lake charity. The vehicle donor gets the tax write-off, and both of us get the satisfaction of helping someone. Our new campaign, Fixed by Chris, also provides FREE vehicle repairs for people who unfortunately bought a lemon within the last two months, or families in deserving need of car repairs.

We love helping those in need as often as we can. But this holiday season, we ask you to please contribute a helping hand towards the betterment of our community.

There are multiple ways for you to donate and help your community…

  • Donate or help-out at your local food pantry

  • Donate coats, hats, socks and/or blankets to a local homeless shelter

  • Volunteer to serve the homeless a meal during the holiday

  • Pay for someone’s layaway, or restaurant tab anonymously

  • Collect and donate toys to less fortunate kids in the community, or to a nearby children’s hospital

  • Bring pet supplies and pet food to a local animal shelter

  • Donate blood or plasma to save a life

  • Rake leaves, shovel a driveway, or provide small home repair for someone less-abled in your neighborhood

We know the holidays are busy, but the smallest gesture can take just a minute and be remembered for a lifetime. So, take a moment and do something for a friend, a family member, or your community. You will never regret helping someone.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to give back with CARSS Auto.

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